Tips and Tricks

Change recycle bin name

Any shortcut key on desktop and any file or folder you can able to renamed. But you can not change easily recycle bin named because when you click right mouse button on recycle bin there are no option of renamed. But if you want you can change another way of recycle bin named. For renamed recycle bin at first go to start menu. Then write regedit.exe on run and click enter. There open your left folder HKEY-CLASSES-Root then find out CLSID. Then open folder (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E)
And change the number 40 01 00 20 to 70 01 00 20.Now show on desktop and you can changed recycle bin named easily.

Download video file from facebook

For download video from facebook at first install firefox facebook video software programe. You can upload this program from
 When complete your program installs then restart the firefox. Now login your facebook and click the friends or own video profile tab. Start the video file which file you want to upload. Now click download video option bellow right sight. You can also upload file by convert video option. You can also format more video by this video convert. Then automatically
Start your video file download.
Use facebook chat offline

For use facebook offline from chat at first login your facebook. Go to chat box option. Now click offline. Now if you are facebbok you friends or any other shows you offline. If you want to go online click chat box online again.
Find out your file from virus affected pendrive

If viruses affected pendrive became disable but you want to back again your important file from pendrive, at first scan the pendrive in a virus free computer which has an antivirus program. When running scan you show many viruses and antivirus deleted that. When complete the scan you show the pendrive is empty or there is no file on pendrive. Then click right mouse button and go to properties. Here you see some data but can not open that. For show the file go to my computer then click the folder option from tools and click view. Now mark the show hidden file and folder then unmark the hide extension and hide protected box. Then click OK. Now show you can see your file into pendrive and the file are not disable they are right. If you transfer any file into computer from another computers by pendrive at first you need to zip the folder, because zip file don’t affected by virus.

Update 140 more letter status on twitter

Most popular microbloging site twitter some time needs 140 more letters status on twitter update. But on twitter 140 more letters can not tweets or update. For update 140 more letters go to and click sign in button. Now you can tweets or update 140 more letters as you’re like.

Solved the hard disk problems

If the hard disk may causes problems we can solve it by many tools. Do partisan or problems solved an excellent bootable tools is Parted magic. It consist partisan program, file system tools, booting loader tools, exe utilities, consul utilities, and many other 100 tools. Total list you can get from Parted magic( software. Upload and write the CD of parted magic 135mb ISO file from By this freeware bootable disk you can solve the many problems of hard disk.

Find out unregistered domain address

When you buy a domain at first you nee to know if the domain may is already registered. If the domain already registered you can not but that domain name. From this link you can know more information about domain.

Play call of duty online

At first you can play call of duty 4 of 1.6 and 1.7 patch by upload. Start the multimedia player game and apply the two patch. Then console enable from game option. Shift the key and open connect then enter. You can download cd key

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